
Showing posts from 2015

How to create Automated Test Sets in Test Plan in HP ALM

In Continuation of my previous post, i will mentioned the steps for creating functions test sets in Test Lab in HP ALM. Only the functions tests can be used for creation of Build verification suite in ALM. 1. Go to Test Lab in HP ALM 2. Click on New Test Set icon and fill the details for the test set as shown below screenshot. The test set should be of Functional type else you will not be able to add it in the build verification suite. 3. After creation a new test set, add the automated tests from test plan in this test set. Select automated tests to be executed from the test plan tree coming at the right side of the test set as shown in below screenshot. 4. This will create your functional test set which can be added into Build verification suite. I have already shared the creation of build verification suite in my earlier posts. Please share your views if you like my posts.

How to save UFT tests in ALM

There is good level of maturity in executing UFT automated tests from ALM but still some people have challenges on how to save UFT automated tests in ALM or QC and how to handle its resources. I will be starting with steps to save UFT automated tests in ALM and will be followed by resources saving and creation of test sets and Build verification suite. 1. Open your automated tests in UFT 2. Connect UFT to ALM as shown below: 3. Enter the ALM URL and login Credentials in the window shown below and click on Connect button: 4. After logging into ALM, it will show the domain and project list which you can access on ALM. Now choose the domain and project of ALM where you want to save your UFT automated test and click on Login button. 5. After logging and selecting the project and domain, You will get the ALM Test Plan folder structure when you try to save your UFT test by clicking on Save button in UFT. So you can save in any folder or you can also create a new folde...

How to create a zip folder using VBScript

Below function will create the zip folder and hep you to upload big testing artifacts as attachment in ALM:     ZipAttach = ""     ' Declare the required variables     Dim objZip, objSA, objFolder, zipFile, FolderToZip         FolderToZip = strFoldertoZip     zipFile = strFoldertoZip & ".zip"     'FolderToZip = Environment.Value(<ResultFolder on local drive>)         'Create the basis of a zip file.     CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") _     .CreateTextFile(zipFile, True) _     .Write "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, vbNullChar)     ' Create the object of the Shell     Set objSA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")         ' Add the folder to the Zip     Set objZip = objSA.NameSpace(zipFile)     Set objFolder = objSA.NameSpace(FolderToZip)    ...

Automatch Host in ALM/QC

The title seems like some big functionality but it is a very small option which helps a lot when a pool of testing hosts is provided to all the testing teams in an organization. Many organizations nowadays creates a pool of testing hosts which has QTP/UFT and some basic applications. And assigns these hosts to the projects as per there requirement. As these testing hosts are the shared resources, you should not be selecting the specific testing host for your functional test set in Test Lab in ALM/QC. Because ALM/QC will not any information whether the testing hosts is used by some other project or team. The Automatch functionality works like a load balancer and searches for the available testing hosts and executed your test set on that testing hosts. Below is the image which shows option to select Automatch Host. As soon as you selects the automatch host option, ALM uses any available testing hosts for the execution and you don't need to worry about availability....

Function to upload UFT/QTP scripts in ALM/QC

As most of the organizations are moving to ALM/QC for automation scripts or many of them have already moved.  Below function will help the people who are going to move all automation scipts to ALM/QC.  Also need to take care of resources before uploading the scripts to ALM/QC as currently it will be using the local path but when uploaded to ALM/QC it will not work if you execute those scripts through ALM/QC on other testing hosts. This function will open the test in QTP and perform save as in the QC folder path you provide. And will remove all functional libraries and will include which you specify. RowCnt = <Number of tests> ALMUrl =  <ALM URL> ALMDomain = <ALMDomain> ALMProject = <ALMProject > ALMUserId = <ALMUserId > ALMUserPwd = <ALMUserPwd > Set objQTP = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")     If Not objQTP.TDConnection.IsConnected Then         objQTP...

How to add testing hosts in ALM?

The testing hosts is the kind of functionality which HP ALM provides, so that you don't need to engage your machine for any automation scripts execution. You can define any local machines or servers as testing hosts. It will help you to have the scripts and results in HP ALM itself and also don't need to look for any spare machine or wait till you leave office to start the execution. Most of the big organizations provides the testing hosts to there projects teams so that these hosts can be shared across projects. So in these cases, you just need to contact the centralized team in your organization to add those testing hosts in your project. But if the organization doesn't have a centralized pool of testing hosts then you can define your own testing hosts and use it for any automation test execution. 1. Go to Testing hosts in under Lab Resources in HP ALM. 2.  Click on new testing hosts button and fill in the details as shown in below screenshot: 3. After a...

How to create Build Verification Suite in HP ALM/QC

1. You should have PC Tester profile in ALM to create new Build verification suite. 2. The functional test sets should be created in ALM Test Lab. The functional test sets are the test set in Test Lab with Type as "Functional". 3. The Is Valid flag for the functiona test set should be Y, so that it will be available for build verification suite. 4. You can add any number of functional Test sets in the build verification suite. 5. After creating build verification suite, you need to add testing hosts in the your ALM project for build verification suite. 6. The testing hosts need to be added in the Testing hosts tab under Lab Resources in ALM 11.5. I will add more on adding testing hosts in my next post.

Function to upload attachment in Test plan folder in ALM

Uploading the document to ALM from local machine                 strFileName =LocalmachinePath & strFileName                 FileDescription = "Test"                                                 Set TDConnection = QCUtil.TDConnection                 Set treeManager = TDConnection.TreeManager                 Set node = treeManager.nodebypath(ALMFolderpath)               ...

Functions to download attachment from folder in Test Plan ALM

This function connects to QC test plan and gets the node of the folder you want the attachement from. Public Function GetAttachmentFromFolder(FolderName, FileName, OutPath)                 Set TDConnection = QCUtil.TDConnection                 Set treeManager =  TDConnection.TreeManager                 Set node = treeManager.nodebypath(FolderName)                                      GetAttachmentFromFolder = GetAttachmentFromTestObject(node, FileName, OutPath) End Function This function gets the attachment from the testobject which is extracted from the node which is...

Pre requisites for running your UFT 12+ (Unified Functional Tester) scripts from ALM 11.5 (or Quality Center)

Below are the prep-requisites which are very much required before executing your automation scripts created in UFT from ALM: Connection of UFT with ALM for loading automation scripts You should have admin rights on the machine to make first connection of UFT with ALM. After first connection, the admin rights are not required. Sometimes instead of having admin rights the connection, UFT is not able to make connection with ALM. In those scenario's the UFT setup needs to be done through the setup file on your machine instead of some shared library or drive. Click on ALM -> ALM Connnection and Enter username and password. Click on connect button. Select the Domain and project then click on login button.      2.  All resources in you automation scripts should be uploaded in ALM The shared object repository getting used in automation script should be saved in ALM Test Resources tab. And this should be referenced in your automation scripts under test se...