Automatch Host in ALM/QC
The title seems like some big functionality but it is a very small option which helps a lot when a pool of testing hosts is provided to all the testing teams in an organization. Many organizations nowadays creates a pool of testing hosts which has QTP/UFT and some basic applications. And assigns these hosts to the projects as per there requirement. As these testing hosts are the shared resources, you should not be selecting the specific testing host for your functional test set in Test Lab in ALM/QC. Because ALM/QC will not any information whether the testing hosts is used by some other project or team. The Automatch functionality works like a load balancer and searches for the available testing hosts and executed your test set on that testing hosts. Below is the image which shows option to select Automatch Host. As soon as you selects the automatch host option, ALM uses any available testing hosts for the execution and you don't need to worry about availability....