
Showing posts from October, 2016

Changing the Test Set type in ALM

We always get stuck when we create a test set with default type and if we want to change it to functional or vice versa. Because the type field of the Test Set in HP ALM is disabled to be updated to some other type. But there is a button on the tool bar in the Test Lab module which switches the type pf the test set. You just need to select the test set for which you want to change the type and click on the button and then click on OK button for the confirmations generated by the application. This will remove the creation of new test set if you created the previous one with wrong type.

how to access the excel file as database in UFT?

We mostly use the excel file in UFT by using the excel object but it can also be accessed as a database and you can run the queries on different excel sheets as the database tables. You can use the ADODB connection to use the excel as database. Below is the code snippet to use excel as a database. Set  Conn =  CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection" ) Set  RecSet=  CreateObject ( "ADODB.RecordSet" ) Conn.Open  "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="  & ExcelFilePath&  ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"";" If you want to access the .xlsx file then please change "Excel 8.0" to "Excel 12.0". After making the successful connection, you need to provide the query and execute it using the recordset in the same way you do it for database tables. But here you need to provide the excel sheet name as database tables.  Query =  "Select * From ["  & sheetName &  ...

How to ignore browsers apart from application under test at the time of recording and execution

HP UFT has an option where it can ignore the browsers which are opened on the machine apart from the application under test. User needs to go to Tools -> Options - > GUI Testing Under Web in General, you need to specify the browsers with properties title and URL. This option by default ignores the ALM browser. Using the above options user can define the browser which always get opened on his machine while recording but these shouldn't be used while recording or running the test on application under test.

UFT - Recording test on different browsers installed on machine

As the things are changing very rapidly in test automation space, HP is also changing the things in UFT. While recording any application using UFT previously you can do it only using the Internet explorer but as many different browsers have come up and applications also behaves different on some browsers. UFT has given as option where you can choose the browser on which you want to record or run the application. When you select the radio button "open the following address when a record or run session begins" there is a dropdown which gives the list of browsers installed on the machine. And you can select any one of them.