Type of Test sets in Test Lab in HP ALM
Type of Test sets in HP ALM
I haven't explained the type of test sets while i have written the blog on adding testing hosts in HP ALM. And this has created a little confusion for one of the viewer. So i thought let me clarify the type of test sets here which will help you on type of testing hosts for those test sets.
In HP ALM, it gives you 3 options whenever you go for creation of test sets i.e. Functional, default and Performance.
As name suggests performance test automation scripts gets added to the performance test sets.
And UFT/QTP scripts gets added to functional and default test sets.
Below are the only differences between functional and default test sets:
1. Only functional test sets can be added to the build verification suite which users are nowadays use for continuous delivery.
2. The testing hosts used in the functional test sets are to be used from the hosts added in the testing host tab in Lab resources in ALM. And you can't use the local host for these test sets.
But for default test sets you need to add the testing hosts which are available on your network. And you can also use the localhost for the execution.
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