What is candidate list in Smart Identification?

I also faced this question in one of interviews and didn't know what is candidate list even after working for more than 6 years in QTP. maybe be because most of the times we just find out how the tools is working and what are the functionalities we can use instead of looking into that particular functionalities process which you get to know only after reading the documentation.

In smart identification we configure the base filter properties and optional filter properties for an object class, based on the base filter properties QTP creates a list of objects which has same base filter property value as of Test object. This list is called candidate list. 

After list creation using base filter properties, QTP removes the object one by one from the list based on the each optional filter property values which are not matching with the test object saved in object repository.

Then the last object which remains in the  list will be used by QTP to perform the required action.

For e.g. Object class  - OracleTextField has the base filter properties as developer name and optional filter properties as  description.

The test object saved in repository has the properties as developer name  - "test" and description - "test1".

The QTP first creates a list of OracleTextFields which has developer name as "test". The list has 2 items. The description value of these 2 objects is different.

Then QTP will filter the list based on value of description of these 2 objects in the list and removes the object which has different description value then the test object.


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